"I learned a long time ago that you really have to demand what you want out of life."
-- Amanda Firefox

“If you ever need a reminder of how awesome you are, just ask. I think everyone is awesome. I think the garbage man is awesome.”
-- Amanda Firefox

"My dream job? You mean, besides marrying a millionaire and writing porno scripts for laughs? I dunno, maybe be the madam of a brothel? Could be a lot of fun."
-- Amanda Firefox

“Love is a drug. It really is. I don’t care who you are, if you’ve got a line on the good stuff, the real stuff that isn’t full of crap, it consumes you. You become it.”
-- Amanda Firefox

"I learned early... If you don't have anything intelligent to say, you should probably keep your mouth shut until you do. Gives them the illusion that you're smarter than you really are."

-- Amanda Firefox

Mornings are for sleeping during.
-- Amanda Walker

Success is in the eye of the beholder.
-- Amanda Palmer